Friday, August 27, 2010

How Important Is Cardiovascular Cross-Training? Part 3 by Michael George

Here is the third in a series of training blog posts by celebrity trainer and Harbinger friend Michael George. Whenever possible, we like to bring you some of the top fitness experts in the country, like Michael, who trains celebrities, athletes and just regular folks, too!

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How To Prevent Overuse
by Michael George, BS, NASM, ACE, AFAA

Biking is a great solution because of the angle at which the knee operates while biking. Biking actually helps to heal this type of injury by opening up the joint area and taking pressure off of the inflamed muscle tissue. This is true for the Stairmaster as well. Don’t just ignore that pain and hope it goes away. Changing cardiovascular activities on a consistent basis is not only the best way to heal muscle areas suffering from over use syndrome but also to prevent injuries from occurring.

If your passion is biking that’s great, but you too need to use cross training to prevent injury. Bikers are prone to injuries like compression of the ulna nerve and strains within the knee capsule. Biking is one of the sports I use to cross train with since I love the outdoors and live close to the beach. I also use mountain biking for a change of pace and scenery. Since biking and running are both joint stress producing activities I use swimming as another alternative to cross train and keep things interesting.

Swimming is another great cardiovascular activity and very refreshing. Water resistance is much less demanding on the joints and is a great cross training activity for people who are prone to joint injuries. To improve your swimming ability and cardiovascular workout, attempt to increase your stroke length and the force of each stroke.

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